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[Insert photo of family here]

Who are we?

Lily's Orchids is family owned and operated small business ran by me and my wife, with lots of creative input from our daughter Lily. We started this company as way to combine our work life with our family life and start enjoying what we do for a living.

What do we want?

We started this company as a way to combine our work life with our family life and start enjoying what we do for a living. Our goal is to spread our love and knowledge of tropical plants from our culture throughout the southwest region. We want to make gifting a bouquet of tropical flowers just as accessible and affordable as gifting a bouquet of roses.

How are we different?

When most people think of flowers they think of something from a typical flower shop like roses, daises, or carnations. We offer a different selection of flowers that simply aren't found in the desert or even in most flower shops. A common example would be orchids, you might see them for sale in a grocery store but it's typically sold as a plant and at a high price for one or two stems. We offer these tropical flowers in larger quantities at lower prices so that it's actually affordable for the average person.

Why flowers?

My grandfather and grandmother started a in importing business long before I was born. Their import of choice was tropical flowers which my grandmother had a close connection to growing up in Thailand. My grandfather ran a successful business until the day he passed away. That business was handed down to my mother and she is now currently running it. We chose to open a retail flower shop because we believe the passion is lost in wholesale and the chase for a profit hinders the spread and growth that would make these exotic flowers more common. 

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